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Newsletter - January 2024

Road District #8 has been busy the last few years. We've surveyed the roads to determine the road width and right-of-way. We asked members whose fences were in the right-of-way to remove or replace them at or behind their property lines. Most of you have complied. We removed trees within the right-of-way in preparation for realligning the roads and widening the areas that are narrow. 

What's left? We need to widen and allign the roads. We may remove brush and small trees from the right-of-way, we still need to cost this out. Finally, when all this is done, we will gravel the roads fully. This last step will require a bond or levy to combine with the funds we've been saving to be able to fund a full gravel of all 11 miles of roads we have in our district.

We ask for your patience. All of this work takes time and money. We on the board work hard to spend your tax dollars in the most effecient and equitable way. We have about 550 or so properties that are adjacent to our roads. We try to listen to all of your ideas, complaints and concerns and do take them into consideration when we make our plans. We base our decisions on the best knowledge we have available to us.

Please stay informed by attending a board meeting, reading the website and letting us know if you have any questions or concerns. We will email and post newsletters on the website to help you stay up-to-date with our plans.


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