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Why is the Road District removing trees from the easement?

There are several reasons why the board decided that it is necessary to remove all the trees within the district’s easements. For the East/West roads the most pressing reason is that this helps the winter sun reach the roadway and melt the snow and ice, thereby promoting safer driving conditions. This is especially important in the spring to facilitate grading . But there are other reasons for the removal of the trees in all the easements -- even the North/South roads that do get enough sun in winter.

The legal width of the roads is 20 feet of roadway. This means there is 60 feet from property line to property line directly across the road.  By removing the trees in the easement, we can allow plenty of room for snow to be removed from the roads and stored beside the road. Further, the full width of the road will be preserved to allow safer travel and space between passing vehicles.

Our roads, over time, tend to migrate to one side or the other as drivers steer around pot holes and puddles. By removing the trees, it is easier for our contractor to maintain, grade and straighten the roads to their proper location.

Removing trees in the easement will increase safety by allowing greater visibility at cross roads and stop signs. Emergency vehicles will also have an easier time navigating our roads and seeing our road signs. The clear easements will decrease fire danger by reducing fuels in these areas.

Another safety issue is the possibility of trees from the easement falling into the roadways. By eliminating trees owned by the district, we reduce the chance of liability for someone getting hurt or property damage by a falling tree.


Why the Tree Removal.pdf
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