Fences, Décor, and Debris in Easements
During the winter of 2021-2022 the Road District survyed all our roads to reveal whether the roads were in the proper place and to measure their width. We wanted to determine where the easements were and to ensure their proper width. The survey uncovered several fences that were outside the property lines and in the easement.
The easement area is the area that allows for snow removed from the road surface to be stored. The District needs the easement to be clear of anything that may be damaged or get in the way of the snow plows and graders that do the work of maintaining and improving our roads. We are currently under contract with La Pine Equipment to remove trees within the easement.
There are several property-owner (or former owner) installed fences, décor or debris that currently lie within the road easement. These must be removed to avoid damage to the fence, personal property, or heavy equipment during tree removal or road work.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to remove or relocate the fence, décor, or debris to the property line as identified by the survey markers. If you have questions about this, please contact a board member.
Fences, decor and debris in easements Stmt.pdf